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Greetings, Since the beginning of time the Illusion Trials have been available for all those wishing to attempt to defeat them. Currently there are Seven Trials; and with each trial one must defeat three Illusions. Those who complete all Seven trials earn their names branded upon this legandary board. Although you are still able to be tested by the Illusions names of those who completed the challenge will no longer be placed upon this very board. Those names below are the Poets that have completed the Illusion trials in the Past. <b>____________________________________________________________ Adelina 4/10/07 - Snoop Akikan 3/13/10 - YappY AlteaX 3/05/06 - PoeticTruth AndriA 8/31/11 - YappY AOTP 4/18/11 - ChangMin Arakaya 2/17/06 - Sinchan Arkheal 5/07/06 - Sorriso Aryle 4/10/07 - Snoop BabyaQua 6/20/11 - ChangMin Bless 7/16/07 - Isaiah Caera 5/02/08 - Snoop Caspar 5/02/08 - Snoop CelticMoon 4/01/07 - Devion Centy 11/7/11 - Inflamed ChangMin 11/29/10 - YappY Charcole 10/01/05 - PoeticTruth ClydeSaradit 5/28/06 - Sorriso Cycle 7/29/05 - Devion DarTanis 6/18/06 - Sorriso DeadlyCat 3/05/06 - PoeticTruth Delicate 4/10/07 - Snoop Denae 3/25/06 - Sinchan Enlighten 4/22/07 - Sinchan Fork 5/03/07 - Sinchan FrozenDragon 7/27/05 - PoeticTruth Gumiho 2/17/06 - Sinchan Habitat 12/11/07 - MoonWater HiddenMagic 2/06/06 - PoeticTruth Hikuga 11/7/11 - Inflamed Hoshiko 9/24/06 - Sinchan Jania 5/17/11 - ChangMin JiaXu 11/30/10 - ChangMin Jisong 10/01/05 - PoeticTruth Kinkie 10/01/05 - PoeticTruth Kojuki 5/06/06 - Sorriso Koroc 7/20/05 - PoeticTruth LadyBug 8/26/07 - MoonWater Laylow 3/26/06 - PoeticTruth Lemonic 11/09/07 - MoonWater LynX 6/04/11 - ChangMin llRolBoll 5/28/06 - Sorriso LiefJe 8/09/06 - Sinchan Lonneke 10/01/05 - PoeticTruth LostAndFound 2/26/06 - PoeticTruth Loxie 12/23/07 - MoonWater Maya 5/12/06 - Sorriso Manitoba 11/22/06 - Sinchan Metro 12/19/10 - ChangMin Miles 7/29/05 - Devion Mintaka 10/25/11 - Inflamed Moraine 9/02/07 - MoonWater Naneve 10/01/05 - PoeticTruth Napattack 1/16/06 - PoeticTruth Newt 5/13/07 - Snoop Nheng 2/18/06 - Sinchan Nihilism 4/01/07 - Sinchan Neuro 10/01/05 - PoeticTruth oOlilyOo 10/01/05 - PoeticTruth OurLastHope 7/29/05 - Devion Paffy 6/28/08 - Snoop PetitHyunMoo 11/09/07 - MoonWater Pill 5/28/11 - ChangMin PoetPoetPoet 7/27/05 - PoeticTruth Rajah 7/14/07 - MoonWater RebelMagic 6/02/11 - ChangMin Roswyn 12/12/07 - MoonWater Salvador 5/08/06 - Sorriso Satashi 3/12/06 - PoeticTruth Satomi 7/10/06 - Sorriso ScorchedSun 10/01/07 - MoonWater Silvur 11/09/05 - MoonWater Smirk 10/01/05 - PoeticTruth Snoop 3/31/07 - MoonWater SpellCaterX 5/12/06 - Sorriso Spinkns 8/26/07 - MoonWater StarArcherie 7/14/07 - MoonWater Tamama 8/21/11 - YappY Terena (Il) 9/01/07 - MoonWater Thamian 9/25/05 - PoeticTruth Tomonaga 3/21/11 - ChangMin Tyrra 10/17/11 - YappY UmirioJr 6/11/06 - Sinchan Vegan 10/01/05 - PoeticTruth Warrlan 10/01/05 - PoeticTruth Xavatar 10/01/07 - MoonWater xLazyhealerx 7/10/06 - Sorriso XPoetX 1/01/06 - PoeticTruth xtroubsx 8/26/07 - MoonWater Yoza 5/06/11 - ChangMin Zulu 7/14/07 - MoonWater <b>___________ | |